【同义词辨析】 2018-09-06 辱骂abuse-billingsgate

abuse: implies the anger of the speaker and stresses the harshness of the language: charged her husband with verbal ~.

vituperation: implies fluent and sustained abuse: subjected his aide to a torrent of ~.    洪流

invective: implies a comparable vehemence but suggests greater verbal and rhetorical skill and may apply to public denunciation: a politician known for his blistering ~.   (denounce本身表示公开批判public condemnation,如stood and denounced the war站起来公开谴责战争)   (blistering三个意思 1言辞激烈,a blistering attack激烈抨击 2酷热,a blistering July day七月一个大 3速度快,Sharon Wild set a blistering pace to take the lead莎伦·怀尔德跑得飞快,在最前面)

obloquy: suggests defamation and consequent shame or disgrace: silently endured the ~ of his former friend.

scurrility: implies viciousness of attack and coarseness or foulness of language: a debate that was not an exchange of ideas but an exercise in ~.

billingsgate: implies practiced fluency and variety of profane or obscene abuse: a ~ that would make a drunken sailor blush. profane亵渎,指宗教或精神方面不尊敬,如profane language亵渎的语言,sacrilegious意思相同但语气更重)

abuse辱骂: 表示说话人愤怒语言冷酷,vituperate也是辱骂: 表示连续不断的辱骂,invective公开痛骂: 同样强烈,但更有语言修辞技巧,可表示公开谴责,obloquy诋毁: 使人丧失名誉承受耻辱,scurrility恶毒: 恶毒(vicious恶毒是virtuous反义词)的攻击,语言肮脏粗野,billingsgate咒骂: 亵渎下流地大肆(fluent流利,内容多,variety多样,种类多)辱骂

记忆方法: 1) 首字母AIVBOS重组成SOB啜泣和VIA通过,通过辱骂使人啜泣<==辱骂

         2) 辱骂的意思是强烈谴责不满mean vehemently expressed condemnation or disapproval.